報讀課程:查看課程編號 Course Code

    個人資料 Personal Information:

    姓名 Name:
    (中文 Chinese)
    (英文 English)
    會員號碼 Membership Code:會員申請表格(填妥後請於本網頁如下部分交回)Membership Application Form (Please attach at the bottom part) 身份證號碼(頭5個數/文字) Identity No. (First 5 alphabets/digits):
    性別 Sex: 男Male女Female
    職業 Occupation:
    電話 Tel No.: 電郵 Email:
    通訊地址 Address:
    列印證書英文姓名 Name Appearing On Certificate:
    緊急事故聯絡人稱呼 Contact Person in Emergency: 電話 Tel No.:
    本人患有以下長期病患 I have the chronic illness:,並 and沒有接受定期治療 have/ have not attend regular treatment。

    參與沙維雅工作坊經驗 My experience of attending Satir Workshop:

    本人從未參加過沙維雅工作坊 have/ have not attended Satir Workshop。
    本人曾參加的沙維雅工作坊為 I have attended below Satir Workshop:
    名稱 Name of the Workshop:
    舉辦機構 Organizer:
    導師姓名 Trainer:
    總日數 Total No. of Days:
    年份 Year:
    付款方法 Payment Methods: 詳情 Details
    支票 Cheque櫃員機轉賬 Transfer through ATM轉數快 FPS現金 Cash附上轉賬收據照片 Receipt attached附上會員申請表格 Membership Form attached

    I have read and agree to the 'Remarks' and 'Withdrawal Policy and Refund Arrangement'.
    I undertake that I would not make video or audio recordings, take photograph or capture the screen for face-to-face or online course, without prior approval from the Center.