Supervision Service Using the Satir Model

Our experienced supervisors offer supervision sessions for practicing counselors who want to improve their counseling skills particularly in the use of the Satir Model.  Furthermore, counselors will be guided to improve their self-awareness and congruence, which are essential for effective counseling.
Counselors are expected to have the followings prepared when attending the sessions:
(a) The counselor’s learning goal in the session
(b) A brief account of the case’s presenting problems & progress
(c) Family map of the client’s family
(d) A video tape on the counseling session (recommended)

Our Senior Supervisors (listed by alphabetical order):

  • Dr. Lam Marie
  • Mr. Ng Christopher

Our Supervisors (listed by alphabetical order):

  • Ms. Au Connie
  • Mr. Chan Raymond
  • Ms. Chan Siu Ling
  • Ms. Chau Sharon
  • Ms. Cheung Cammy
  • Dr. Choi Tenor
  • Dr. Chung Cat
  • Mr. Chung Kelvin
  • Mr. Leung Simon
  • Ms. Lo Eunice
  • Mr. Man Ka On
  • Ms. Tam Rose
  • Dr. Wong Eve
  • Dr. Wong Susanna
  • Ms. Yip Rita
  • Ms. Yiu Gini

Please contact the Center for enquiry and registration.

*Our individual/dyad/group supervision hours are accredited by Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association for application of membership.

Price List :
A. Senior Supervisor :

Type of Supervision Duration (No. of Person) Amount Per Person
Individual Supervision 1 hour (1 person)

$1200 per person (Member)

$2400 per person (Non-member)

Dyad Supervision 2 hours (2 persons)

$1200 per person (Member)

$2400 per person


Group Supervision 3 hours (3-6 persons)

$1200 per person (Member)

$2400 per person (Non-member)

B. Supervisor :

Type of Supervision Duration (No. of Person) Amount Per Person
Individual Supervision 1 hour (1 person)

 $500 per person (Member)

$1000 per person (Non-member)

Dyad Supervision 2 hours (2 persons)

 $500 per person (Member)

$1000 per person (Non-member)

Group Supervision 3 hours (3-6 persons)

 $500 per person (Member)

$1000 per person (Non-member)

C. Supervisor-in-training :

Type of Supervision Duration (No. of Person) Amount Per Person
Individual Supervision 1 hour (1 person)

$200 per person (Member)

$400 per person (Non-member)

Dyad Supervision 2 hours (2 persons)

$200 per person (Member)

$400 per person (Non-member)

Group Supervision 3 hours (3-6 persons)

$200 per person (Member)

$400 per person (Non-member)

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