Dr. Marie Lam (one of our founders)
Mr. Christopher Ng (one of our founders)
Lecture by Dr. John Banmen (translated by Dr. Marie Lam)
Demonstration of coping stances (guided by Dr. John Banmen)
Dr. John Banmen & Dr. Marie Lam in counseling course
Group exercise (guided by facilitator)
Practising coping stances in workshop
Small group practice in counseling practicum
Presenting learning goals by counseling trainees
Illustration of concepts in workshop (by Ms. Chan Siu Ling)
Illustration of concepts in counseling course
Meditation Walk
Dr. Maria Gomori
Award presentation to Dr. Marie Lam (Living Treasure, 2011) (speech given by Dr. Maria Gomori)
Meeting with small group leaders (led by Dr. Maria Gomori)
Dance therapy workshop (led by Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller)
Feedback giving in Dance therapy workshop (led by Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller)
In-house Training for Counselors
In-house training (led by Ms. Angela Ip)
Live demonstration (led by Dr. John Banmen & translated by Dr. Marie Lam)
Art therapy workshop